Conferences Organised

Regular Courses:


  1. Young Guns Course - S&N, York - annual
  2. Wrightington Tips & Tricks Shoulder Arthroscopy - Wrightington - annual
  3. Wrightington Sports Shoulder Conference - Wrightington - annual
  4. Shoulderscan Shoulder Ultrasound courses - Wrightington - annual
  1. Introductory Shoulder Ultrasound Courses (Sonosite) - three times per year
  2. Orthoteers Clinical Examination Courses - three times per year
  3. Basic Instructional Shoulder Arthroscopy Course - Manchester - Annual  

Single Courses:

  1. Shoulder Arthroscopy Academy - S&N, York - December 2014
  2. Salford Orthopaedic Series - Shoulder Update - Lowry Centre, Salford - 19 May 2010
  3. Bangalore Shoulder Course - Bangalore, India - 28-29 October 2006
  4. Shoulder Arthroscopy Skills Workshop for Registrars, Arthrex, Sheffield - 21 January 2006 
  5. Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop - Manchester - 8-9 October 2005
  6. Cold Compression Therapy Course - Manchester - 23 April 2005
  7. Management of Acute Anterior Dislocations of the Shoulder - Manchester - 6 November 2004 - /education/article.asp?article=239
  8. Rotator Cuff Course for Physiotherapists - Bolton Arena - 9 October 2004
  9. North West Orthopaedic Trainees Shoulder Meetings - Manchester - 13 & 20 February, 12 March, 14 May 2004
  10. Musculoskeletal Injection Seminar - Manchester - 20 November 2003.
  11. Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Seminar - Lowry Hotel - 31 October 2002
  12. Digital Imaging for Surgeons - Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - 20 April 2002 -
  13. Statistics for Specialist Registrars - Reading - January to March 2002

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