Superior Labrum

The morphology of the labrum in this region is highly variable, with many anatomical variants having been described [6,20,22-23]. Cooper et al [20] likened the superior labrum to the meniscus of the knee, being attached at its periphery whilst having a central free edge overlying the glenoid.

Similar to other studies, we found the morphology of the superior labrum was found to be highly variable [Table 18]. [17-19] Though our results slightly differ from those of others, it is difficult to compare and contrast the findings because of the relative paucity of such documentation. Like other studies [17-18], no cases of a discoid type meniscal labrum were noted. We believe this variant is quite rare.

Our results are highlighted in grey:

Different Types of Superior labrum

% Prevalence

Bumper labrum – “…characterised by a small excrescence of fibrous tissue”. [18] The superior labrum is “…firmly attached to the glenoid tubercle and [abuts] the articular face of the glenoid”. [18]

18%  - Arthroscopic study [18]

43.2% - Arthroscopic Study



Meniscoid labrum – the labrum extends onto the glenoid surface [6]

~ 50%  - Anatomic study  [17]

38% - Arthroscopic study [18]

~15%  – Arthroscopic study [6]

2.3% - Arthroscopic Study

Triangular labrum – the labrum is “…not draped over the glenoid face…” [18]

44% - Arthroscopic study [18]

31.8% - Arthroscopic study



Rounded labrum

~ 50%  - Anatomic study [17]




Mobile superior labrum – articular cartilage is present on the apex of the supraglenoid tubercle underlying the labrum [18]

Not specified – Anatomic study [17]

26% – Arthroscopic study [18]

22.7% - Arthroscopic Study


Discoid type meniscal labrum – labrum nearly covering the entire surface of the glenoid [19]

1 case – Arthroscopic study [19]




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