Shoulder Arthroscopy Guide

Lennard Funk, 2008

When performing shoulder arthroscopy it is essential to have a sytem for diagnostic examination of all the relevant structures of the shoulder joint.
There are many good systems around. I use a simple 10 point system, with ten key areas of the shoulder that need to be viewed and probed during a diagnostic arthroscopy.

From the posterior portal, these areas are, in order:

  1. Superior Labrum & LHB
  2. Glenoid, Humeral Head and Posterior Labrum
  3. Inferior Recess
  4. Bare area and posterior cuff
  5. Superior cuff
  6. LHB entering groove, biceps pulley and SGHL
  7. Subscapularis, Antero-superior labrum & MGHL
  8. Antero-inferior labrum, IGHL and anterior capsule
  9. Acromial surface of bursa and CA ligament
  10. Bursal surface of rotator cuff


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