Revision arthroscopic capsulolabral reconstruction for recurrent instability of the shoulder

Authors: R. V. Patel, K. Apostle, J. M. Leith, and W. D. Regan

References: J Bone Joint Surg Br 2008 90-B: 1462-1467.

We have investigated the outcome of arthroscopic revision surgery for recurrent instability of the shoulder after failed primary anterior stabilisation. We identified 40 patients with failed primary open or arthroscopic anterior stabilisation of the shoulder who had been treated by revision arthroscopic capsulolabral reconstruction and followed up for a mean of 36 months (12 to 87). There were 34 men and six women with a mean age of 33.1 years (15 to 48). Details of the patients, the technique of the primary procedure, the operative findings at revision and the clinical outcome were evaluated by reviewing the medical records, physical examination and the use of the Western Ontario shoulder instability index score, the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score and the health status questionnaire 12.

Recurrent instability persisted in four patients after the revision arthroscopic procedure. At the final follow-up, the mean American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score was 81.1 (17.5 to 99.5) and the mean Western Ontario shoulder instability index score was 68.2 (20 to 98.2). Quality-of-life scoring showed good to excellent results in most patients.

Arthroscopic revision capsulolabral reconstruction can provide a satisfactory outcome in selected patients for recurrent instability of the shoulder provided that no large Hill-Sachs lesion is present.


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