Complications after Distal Clavicle Excisions(DCE)

Authors: Kim et al.

References: ICSS, Washington, 2004

Introduction: Open DCE has been considered as a safe procedure and as the gold standard to compare the arthroscopic DCE. The goal of this study was to define the incidence of complications after isolated, open DCE. Methods: This study included a consecutive case series of 42 patients with isolated AC joint arthritis who underwent an open DCE. The charts of all patients were retrospectively reviewed for postoperative complications. There were 30 men and 12 women with a mean age of 42.6 years. 16 patients participated in sports, while 9 of them were competitive athletes. 13 patients were heavy manual workers. Results: Mean follow up was 16.7 months. Complications developed in 9 patients (21.6%) and included 2 (4.8%) deep infections, 2 (4.8%) stitch abscesses, 4 (9.6%) stiff shoulders, and 1 (2.4%) heterotopic ossification. 16 patients (38%) had tenderness over the AC joint and 2 patients (4.8%) had a painful scar for a period of over 3 months but most recovered. Conclusions: The overall complications rate for isolated, open DCE is higher than previously reported. Local tenderness over 3 months is common and patients should be warned of this possibility. 


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