Post-operative Recovery Telephone Call: The Patients’ Perspective

Authors: Emma Torrance, Mrs Linda Hallam, Mr Mike Walton, Mr Puneet Monga, Professor Adam Watts & Professor Lennard Funk.

Background: We have assessed the effectiveness of a post-operative telephone service to recognise potential complications and alleviate patient concerns. 

Materials and Methods:  Questions were posed 24 hours following surgery regarding pain, analgesics and wound dressings. Sixty-eight patients assessed the service 21 days post-operatively.  

Results: All patients stated the call helped to answer questions they may have had and 100% of patients were happy with the information they had received regarding their pain relief.  No patients in this study described severe pain or required readmission. 

Conclusion: A follow-up call after surgery holds many potential advantages to the patient, their family and the surgeon without sacrificing patient safety.  


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