The Strength of Suture Configurations in Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
Authors: C D White, T D Bunker, R M Hooper
References: BOA 2006 Glasgow
In an in-vitro biomechanical single pull to failure study, we compared the ultimate tensile strength of simply, mattress and grasping sutures, passed with an arthroscopic suture passer (Surgical Solutions Express-Sew). The results show little difference in strength for varying complexity of four pass (for simple, 2 mattress or 1 grasping) sutures (p = 0.61). Suture configurations involving 2 passes were all weaker than those with 4 passes (p = 0.026). This study allows the Surgeon to justify using the simplest configuration of suture passage that works in his hands in order to obtain a reliable and repeatable repair of the rotator cuff arthroscopically.