Shoulder Ultrasound Courses


Shoulder pain is the second most common joint problem presenting to doctors. Ultrasound is an essential investigation in shoulder examination and diagnosis. More and more clinicians recognise the advantages of offering patients a 'one-stop' diagnostic service. The  ShoulderScan Ultrasound courses were established by a unique mixed group of clinicians who recognised the need for training non-radiologists in ultrasound of the shoulder. Our educational team consists of Tim Bunker, Consultant Shoulder Surgeon from Exeter and pioneer of shoulder ultrasound in the 1980s; John Leddy, the only fully qualified chartered physiotherapist and radiographer in the UK (and probably the world); James Brown, Musculoskeletal and sports medicine clinician from Leeds; Jonathan Harris, Musculoskeletal radiologist from Manchester and Lennard Funk, Shoulder surgeon from Wrightington & Manchester.

So far we have run numerous extremely successful courses and have a waiting list for future courses. Delegates have included surgeons, therapists, radiographers, sports clinicians and GPs. All receive a large information pack and course booklet with all the lectures and research articles, as well as a flash drive of the course, research articles and internet links.
The feedback from the courses has been excellent and encouraging for future courses.

Thanks to the comprehensive facilities and administrative support we have been able to successfully introduce the first shoulder ultrasound courses in the UK. We look forward to further expansion of the course via the educational website


For more details visit for more details.

  Download the Brochure


















































































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