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Here is what other visitors have had to say about
" is a breath of fresh air for patients and clinicians alike. It provides clear yet concise advice on all manner of shoulder complaints affecting both the sporting and everyday patient. Patient users of the site will find the site not overwhelming but informative and empowering. The clinician too will find this site an invaluable aid to explaining procedures and conditions to patients using the rich easy to navigate graphical interface. Overall it is hoped that other health care professionals learn from Mr Funk and his approach to understanding the needs of the patients of the present and future." - Dr James Brown, FFSEM. Specialist Sport + Musculoskeletal Physician,
"hi. just want to say how user friendly and informative i found the ShoulderDoc website - thanks. Wandering into cyber space to glean anything to enhance my ignorance on the shoulder replacements - Mrs Roebuck has sealed my commitment to seek Copeland shoulder replacements rather than the conventional shoulder replacements and, furthermore, provided a reassurance around my uncertainty of this surgery. chris"
"After a visit to my ortho clinic today, I thought I would go online and get a better understanding of my shoulder problem. I would just like to say that I found your website very informative. The information contained was easy to understand. Full marks to you. Keep up the good work."
"Dear Mr.Funk,
You have a fantastic website and I congratulate you for this excellent service you've done for the orthopaedic community. I am aspiring to become a shoulder surgeon and currently I am training in the south west region. I was very impressed by the patient information given in the website. I am developing patient information leaflets for my Hospital (NHS) and I was wondering if I could use some of the information from the website and pass it on to the patients. I will be ever so grateful to you and I am sure the patients will benefit from it. Many thanks and regards."
"Hi Mr. Funk
I always look around your site, I think is very important and special to all shoulder surgeons and therapists. Thank you very much. Congratulations again about your wonderful site." Alexandre Martha MD
"Dear Len:
I saw your web site and is very very interesting.
I understand that you live for your patients and love the shoulder, me too, and was very nice meet you.
Sincerely, Dr Vctor Naula"
"I would like to thank you for this web site, it is very useful and I really appreciate the patient information provided.
It has helped me considerably in making decisions about my shoulder replacement."
Dear ShoulderDoc
I've just spent a wonderful 4 hours perusing your site. I'm a medical record coder in New Jersey (USA) and have been struggling to understand the different procedures and their components to improve my accuracy. Your site has such clear illustrations and explanations. I particularly loved the animations. Most helpful, many thanks!
"Hi! I found your web site very interesting and useful in helping me diagnose my recent shoulder injury."
"Manchester based orthopaedics surgeons have written and their use of high quality graphics and operative photographs makes this a user friendly site to navigate .... very photorealistic graphics are used with high quality Flash displayed in most browsers. I especially recommend viewing is the interactive graphics ."
- in BMJ Career Focus 2005;330:232
"Dear Mr Funk I am a patient of yours at the present time. I received a letter from your clinic which said that I had a SLAP tear in my shoulder. I had asked several GPs what this means and no-one could tell me what it was. Today I found this website and now I can fully understand what my problem is and have a lot more information on my condition. Thank you for providing this web site. It has been a great help and is full of easy to understand information.
Thank You "
"Just a line to say how useful and informative your web site is. I'm about to have an operation to repair tendons in my shoulder and everything is much clearer now."
"I would like to thank you for having such an informative website, I found it very helpful to identify all the muscles and joints associated with the shoulder."
"Being an osteopath working with gymnasts / trampolinists at national level, I find Shoulderdoc very useful for myself to have an improved visualisation of shoulder a) arthroscopic procedure, b) 3-D anatomy and c) enhanced explanation to athlete if asked. I also recommend it to students studying osteopathy during tutorials and they find most helpful. Thanks Phil A"
"I am an Egyptian orthopedic surgeon, I am preparing an M.D. thesis on "Arthroscopic stabilization of recurrent anterior shoulder instability" and I found your site very interesting containing alot of helpful information for my thesis. I would like to thank you alot for your great effort in estabilishing this wonderful work."
I would like to commend your exercises for a frozen shoulder. I printed them off from your website at the end of Nov.05. Prior to this I had a year of a painful left shoulder in which I had received steroid injections and had done some stretches but with no great change. Following your disciplines every morning I now have a huge improvement in movement and though still stiff the pain factor has reduced immensely.
What a fantastic site yours is. From all the information available and along with my surgeon told me the procedure, while still painful at the moment is fully explained and understandable to the recipient of shoulder surgery!
Just spent hours reading about all sorts of wonderful things on the site -- great work shoulderdoc.
This is by far the best site on shoulders I've found on the internet.
Shoulderdoc, it has been a real pleasure to see a consultant who really values his patients perspective and cares. ... This website has helped me maintain my faith in the intrinsic goodness and value of therapeutic intervention for patients. Thanks, once again.
A brilliant website and, am happy to report, that the physios at the hospital do in fact refer often to your various notes.
After several months of Physio with no success and of terrible pain in my shoulder I'm now off to see a surgeon re my frozen shoulder. Thanks for a wonderful informative site that has given me an insight into what I can expect re surgery and other options. that will be made available to me.
Wow, this website should be given to all shoulder patients on discharge, a big comfort! Thanks to the medical proffesionals for giving their valuable time to the likes of me.
A very infomative, well set up web site. I can relate to everything I have been reading and this has helped me to understand my problem. Thank you very much.
I love the website which is most imformative and helpful.
A very useful website.Ive just had a golfers elbow operation.
I play tennis twice a week and nobody can understand why a tennis player can get golfers elbow.I tell people to revert to your website and this will give them a full insight to why its called this. thanks
The site is a brilliant area of education and information.
Many thanks for updating your website on elbows, I fully understand the workings of the joint now, all 77 pages you must have worked very hard in putting them together. This website is excellent source of info for patients and doctors. well done.
Thank you for this website and for caring and understanding that this is a much needed tool and sanctuary that will help vulnerable patients to be able to find support and strength to face what lies ahead.
Hi there, its great to see that you use clear english and diagrams in this web sight. I had a shoulder repair 10 years ago and there was none of this then. Keep up the good work.
I live in Australia and have just had a capsule release your website has been very helpful
Am feeling really nervous pre surgery for AC joint .! But your website has explained exactly what is being done.! Thankyou. Feel better prepared now and will hopefully be in less pain at last.
What a wonderful site - thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge and protocols. It really helps to reference your site to effectively treat a patient with an operation you have not rehabilitated before.
Had very little information post op for AC joint and your site has been a godsend. The exercises are easy to follow and well explained and tell me what I can and can't do. As my physio has still not been arranged this site has been invaluable.Unfortunately not all services match yours! Keep up the good work!!!
Dear Mr Funk, I found your site very useful. I am a 3rd yrs Diagnostic Radiography Student and i am in the process of doing a 3000 word literture review for part of my Honors. The title is: A comparative study in the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging versus Arthroscopy in shouder injuries. I have found you website very useful in assisting me to increase my understanding in the deatails of shoulder injuries and the treatment. Many Thanks
I am a patient with a complex shoulder-upper extremity problem and also physician, and your site is fantastic. Kudos, for a very detailed oriented common sense approach to differential diagnosis and treatment. May God forever shine on you and your work!. Humanity thanks you.
This is the most awesome web site I've seen to date. It provided the exact information I needed in a very informative way. Thank you!
Thank you for your wonderful website. it is most insightful.
I found this site to be of great help. Thanks again for providing very helpful information to the connected world.
As a clinician I appreciate the myriad of tests that you have listed. I especially appreciate your information regarding sensitivity and specificity. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for this excellent site. I have learned more from this site in ten minutes than from my GP in two months.
I've just gone through my third surgery for various biceps ruptures (left distal 2002, right distal 2005, and right proximal 2007) and have found your website to be both informative and comforting. Through having an understanding of my injuries and personal goals, I was able to communicate more effectively with the ortho's and other medical professionals. I felt very well informed and questioned several doctors on my rehab and other issues associated with my recovery.
Thanks for your informative website, you are helping a lot of people.
Just to let you know that the amount of work you've done is very impressive!! My mouth is still open, full of admiration, while I'm writing this e-mail Well done. Congratulations!
The shoulderdoc website was simple and clear and enabled me to self diagnose my problem and consider the options.
I have a pinhole tear in the rotator cuff, and did not understand the surgery at all. Your site has helped me immensely. It helps me make a decision regarding surgery. Thanks for a great site, and a better understanding of my problem.
Hey, this is a great website. All the information is there (exactly what the internet was meant to be used for)
Great web site learning more about shoulder every time enter site working as practitioner in NHS/Independent hospitals. Mark
I felt I had to email you to let you know how useful I found your website. I have had a frozen shoulder for nearly a year, and have this week seen an orthopaedic specialist who advised arthroscopic arthrolysis. Having read about it on your website I now know exactly what I'll be having done, and what to expect by way of recovery times etc. It was very interesting to see the video clip of it too. Thank you for easy to read information in a user friendly format.
Thank you for your information on the modified Weaver-Dunn procedure , which I had done to repair a fracture clavicle. The text and graphics were most
Wow, what a wonderful website you put together. I'd hate to be the one to put in all that work. But your final product is outstanding. Thank you for doing such a great job and sharing it with others.
I have been reading your website avidly for the last few weeks. I have to say it's incredibly informative and I would have struggled to gain the knowledge I have about all things shoulder without it.
Thank you to all who contributed to making this such an informative and user friendly website, We are about to review our patient information leaflets for the shoulder service and would like to use some of the information as you have described it.
Incredibly informative site with comprehensive modern outlooks - keep up the good work and thank you.
Just like to say that i work as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner and have found shoulder examination always complex your site has given me new confidence. Thankyou!
Congratulations on a truly magnificent site clearly a lot of hard work and flare has gone into making this excellent resource
What a good website - thank you. I have recently seen my shoulder specialist & was filled with despondency at having an irrepairable rotator cuff & the options ahead of me. Your site has helped me to understand the implications.
I wish I had found this site before. I have just had a second op on my shoulder & it is fascinating to see how it was done! I now understand that it's mostly down to arthritis & will look to see how best the pain can be managed. My other shoulder could be reprieved!
Just a short line to thankyou for your website article on Calific Tendonitis the advice has helped me understand whats gone wrong with my arms, it's treatment and remedies. - "Professional educational material on Shoulder & Elbow problems, it is aimed at Clinicians and Therapists, containing information and software that may be of benefit to practising clinicians.
The site is an invaluable aid to explaining procedures and conditions to patients using the easy to navigate graphical interface." - Orthopaedic Product News, May 2008. 114:21.
Dear Len: I have started to review your website and I am blown away. What a fantastic achievement! - Dan Guttmann; Dan Guttmann, MD; Director of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Taos Orthopaedic Institute
Kudos to you and your team for all your hard work and efforts in developing and sharing this wonderful resource!
what a superb site-very educational at all levels...I show it to all my patients! Thank you.
I recently had the Copeland resurfacing done on my right shoulder and i feel great , the pain has lessoned to near zero and my rehab is going well-thank you for supporting me through the dark times .
The clearest and most informative shoulder related site I have visited. As someone who is about to find out (in a few days) whether or not I need surgery, I found it incredibly helpful in allowing me to see what I potentialy have in store. Excellent work!
We are an NHS outpatients dept. and we are currently reviewing our patient information/handouts. We have found yours to be very good and rather than re-inventing the wheel, we would like to print some of your 'Patient Information' sheets off to hand out to patients as we feel appropriate.
I continue to look for information on others who have experienced the same surgery that I have had, so that I might learn and ensure a full recovery.
I found your website to be one of the most informative sites that I have come across and want to compliment you on the awesome approach you have taken to using the web in your practice.
I am an Orthopaedic Surgeon practicing in New Orleans, USA. Your site is fantastic. Good work. This is all the effort of one man? What a herculean effort. I am making all my residents look at it.
I just wanted to say thank you for such an excellent website. I was searched the web for information of what to expect if I return to a shoulder surgeon for subacromial impingement problems that have not responded to 3 injections. (I live out of your area) I know the next step is surgery but have been delaying while our dog has major orthopaedic surgery. Now I am considering whether a temporary part-time job might be compatible with a shoulder op at some point in the Spring and needed information quickly about my expected operation and rehab without visiting the surgeon again. I think I have a clearer idea of what I might expect n ow. The information here is clear and detailed for the intelligent layman. Thank you.
Dr Funk You have created an amazing (!!!) site , which I was sucked into and could not detach myself from. I would like your permission to refer my english speaker patients to your site as a source of information.
Len Funk has performed 2 operations on my shoulder and arm, 20 months after my motorbike accident, where he put my arm and shoulder back together with what I call modern Meccano.
A little under 2 weeks after the 2nd operation I have regained almost 90% use of my arm which has changed my life almost back to normal. The Man is a genius and I can't thank him enough for what he has achieved.
The Site has been very informative to everything I have had done. Keep up the life changing work you do.
What a fantastic site you have developed. I find it so useful professionally and in educating the patients. Thank you for making it freely available
I'd just like to say what a fantastic website you have! I am a sports massage therapist and I have learnt a lot from this fabulous website in 5 minutes and I will definately be using your website for some of my clients.
Great website. Best free diagnosis tool on the web.
My surgeon advised me to review the animations that appear on your website. The wealth of information helped me become more informed about my shoulder injuries and repair. Thank you for making this site available.
I just wanted to praise your very precise and informative website. My closest underwent a Bristow-Latarjet Procedure. In searching for information online I found your website and was able to read more about and understand what the surgery would be. Your section on exercise is very good and was very useful. Even the therapist assigned after the surgery followed much of the information you provided on your site, as we had printed out information and directed her to your online pages.
The website is great! Thanks for putting it together, a wonderful resource. Always good to get a refresher.
This is the most wonderful site I have seen on the internet.Exceptionally detailed yet in layman terms! I have recently injured my biceps by rupturing the distal part and have found this site to be amazing in every aspect. Thank you so much this really gives one peace of mind going into operations.
Dear Team - just wanted to say thanks for the great range of information on your site. Having been diagnosed with a frozen left shoulder this afternoon, I was able to gather additional clear, concise and pragmatic advice from your excellent web-site.
I feel a great deal more confident about the procedure and associated therapy to carry out pre and post my forthcoming surgery.
Great website. I have not found a more impressive medical site.
I just love looking in on your website,I think it is fantastic. I am having a reverse shoulder replacement in about 3 weeks time, and would love to hear from anyone who has gone through this procedure.
Keep up the good work on your website, I am telling lots of people to tune in.
THANK YOU for all the excellent information in this website. I have found the information, exercises etc in the website both beautifully presented and absolutely invaluable MANY THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED.
I have recently had a biceps tenodesis very expertly done by Mr J Kitson, in Exeter, following a long period of shoulder pain. I was helped enormously both pre-op, and in the early post-op period, by the excellent information, re surgery, and rehab exercises, on your website. The quality and presentation of information is, I think, simply superb. I'm sure you get lots of grateful folk, but just wanted to add my appreciation to your thank-you file.
Keep up the good work!
I throughly enjoy your website and the breath of information is impressive and very informative. I use it for my personal education as well as patient education.
Just a big "thank-you" for your site. I could not reassemble the sling after taking it off, until I found the photos on your site.
Thank you for such a brilliant and informative site about shoulder surgery etc.
A month ago I had arthroscopy for subacromial decompression and excision distal clavicle and on top of that a tear in the rotator cuff was also detected and repaired. Two years ago I had subacromial decompression and excision distal clavicle in my other shoulder so at least I can say I have a matching pair now! It is so much more difficult this time due to the added problem with the tear and I have been searching the net for a really good website which explains things well enough for me to understand. After much frustration I found your fabulous site which has a wealth of information and diagrams etc.
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for providing such an informative site written with the patient in mind. I am so very much appreciative.
Having a bicep tenodesis performed. I finally have a clear understanding of the orthopedic surgeon is going to do.
I am a shoulder and elbow surgeon with a private practice in the US in New Jersey. Your website is outstanding. I would like to direct my patients to your site and link to it from my practice site as well. Have you licensed the site for use by other practices? Thank you in advance and congratulations again on a great site.
Thank you very much for your website, it is very good. It quickly helped me with my shoulder problems (lesions due to traumatic injury and recurrent subluxations), the picture and video content were a fundamental part of this. I applaud all your efforts with this site, you've surely helped many people, and I imagine your site is exemplary.I am facing probable rotator cuff surgery. Your website is the best I've found on the topic providing concise, understandable information that is very thorough.The videos are excellent.
Thank you for an excellent resource!
This app has been so helpful. I had a fall at work my arm was outstretched as I fell and I heard a crack. I have a fractured shoulder a shoulder cuff injury. I am going for an MRI next week to determine the damage. After watching your video I feel a lot less anxious about the whole procedure and a lot more informed.
Thank for your informative posts. This can be very useful for my clinic. Keep sharing your knowledge with us.
Great website for your clients’ physiotherapist !! we know exactly what you would like your clients to be doing post-operatively without any of the paper trails / phone calls of the past. This website should win an award!
I think the website is very informative and have visited it a number of times during the last twelve months, having had frozen shoulder in my right shoulder.
I’m a portuguese shoulder surgeon and I congratulate you for your wonderful shoulder website.
I visit your website very often and a took a look at your videos. As a shoulder surgeon I know how important is rehabilitation for my patients.
I am a Dutch physiotherapist and manual therapist. I have my own company FysioDomstad in the 4th biggest city in Holland named Utrecht. With this feedback I want to compliment for the quality of this website. I use it over 5 years now and I am very happy with it. We see a lot of patients with shoulder complaints or after shoulder surgery. Often I give the URL of the shoulderdoc website to make things clear.
Thank you for this great effort!!
Best regards, Roeland van der Put.
I just wanted to thank you for the incredibly clear images and explanatory text you have. A friend just got an MRI of her shoulder back, and lots of references on it were made clear by your info. Thanks--I can see you did a ton of work on this site, and we appreciate it.
Brilliant site with information presented in a way comprehensible to the non medically trained lay-man.
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