Pectoralis Major Repair

Surgery for Pec Major Tears:


  • Your surgeon will discuss the risks, benefits, rehabilitation and recovery time with you before the surgery.
  • You should not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the procedure.
  • The surgery is often day-case surgery, but you may stay overnight one night. 
  • A doctor/physiotherapist will see you prior to discharge and you will be taught exercises to do and given further advice to guide you through your recovery.
  • Your arm will remain in a shoulder sling for at least 3 weeks. For more details on Living with a Shoulder Sling Click Here
  • The length of time that you will be off work will depend on your job but expect a minimum of 6 weeks if work involves heavy duties.
  • Physiotherapy will be organised for when you leave hospital and may well continue for some months after the surgery.
  • You will be guided through the rehabilitation programme by your physiotherapist. It is of the utmost importance that you stick strictly to this programme. Click here for a safe Post-operative rehabilitation protocol

In the procedure the tendon and muscle are reattached to the bone of the humerus with suture anchors (or a similar device)

The Surgery:

We published Prof Funk's footprint technique and results in 2009 (click here). Since then Prof Funk has performed over 200 Pec repairs, with over 30 allograft reconstructions. (However, not all Pec Tears need surgery; many people can manage well without surgery).
Below is our surgical technique for primary repairs:

 Please see here for the Allograft technique, used when a direct primary repair is not possible.

After Surgery

A sling is worn for the first 3-6 weeks with commencement of physiotherapy rehabilitation within one week post-op. 


Below are the images at 8 weeks post-op. Note the restoration of symmetry and good cosmesis. 

Below are the clinical results at 6 months post-op. Patient returned to full weight training and combat sport.

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