
Location: London, UK

Date: 17/10/2008 - 17/10/2008


Shoulder 2 Shoulder is a unique one-day conference presented by the Watanabe Club. It will beheld at Altitude, an exclusive corporate venue offering spectacular views over Central London. The meeting is aimed at consultant orthopaedic surgeons and senior trainees with an interest in shoulder surgery. It offers a discussion forum of common shoulder problems that still cause controversy in everyday practice. Current opinion leaders will be invited to present guest lectures based on real clinical cases to promote interactive and lively debate. All delegates will be encouraged to submit clinical cases prior to the meeting for discussion. For more information or to register, please contact Tammy Ward, Education EventsManager, Smith & Nephew Endoscopy, Cardinal Park, Godmanchester PE29 2SNTel: +44 (0)1480 423 254 Fax: +44(0)1480 423 201 Email:

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You will be able to register for this course between 1/07/2008 and 16/10/2008

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