Shoulder Ultrasound Course

Location: Exeter

Date: 16/10/2009 - 16/10/2009


A one day course designed to introduce and advance delegates skills of shoulder ultrasound scanning.

There will be short lectures, group discussions, demonstrations and lots of hands-on skills sessions on both normals and patients with a variety of pathologies.

There is a high ratio of faculty to participants, ensuring maximum hands-on experience and allowing plenty of opportunity for participation and discussion.

Thanks to the support of a number of Ultrasound manufacturers delegates are also able to scan with a wide range of machines and discuss with the companies clinical applications specialists.

This course is extremely popular, so early application is recommended in order to avoid disappointment, as places are limited. For more information or application form please email or go to

This course does not allow you to register online.

You will be able to register for this course between 2/03/2009 and 1/10/2009

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