Sports Shoulder Conference 2010

Location: Wrightington Hospital Conference Centre

Date: 20/05/2010 - 22/05/2010


This is the fourth of our hugely succesful multidisciplinary conference. It is aimed at all clinicians with an interest or experience of managing shoulder disorders in athletes.

For 2010 we will include athletes themselves in the programme, with their clinicians, plus an afternoon of debates on tough case examples; along with the usual Live Surgery, Lectures, Workshops and Discussions. Please book early to ensure a place.

The invited faculty includes experts from the fields of shoulder surgery, physiotherapy, sports medicine, coaching and athletes themselves.

Simon Bell (Shoulder Surgeon, Australia), Tanya Bell (Shoulder Physiotherapist, South Africa).

UK: Vernon Neville (Sports Scientist & Athlete), Jamie Moore (Professsional Boxer), Julie McBirnie (Shoulder Surgeon, Edinburgh), Paul Comfort (Strength & Conditioning Coach & Lecturer Salford University), Julie Pearce (Physiotherapist, EIS Nottingham), Kathleen Tatlow (Shoulder Physiotherapist, Manchester)

Local:Lennard Funk, Ian Trail, John Haines, Robert Conlon, Sarah Russell.

Emphasis is on the particular issues of athletic shoulder injuries, including pathology recognition, diagnosis, non-operative and operative interventions. We concentrate on innovative methods of return to play, drawing on current evidence and the faculties' experience.

For more information and to apply for the Sports Shoulder Conference CLICK HERE

NEW for 2010: Following on from the Sports Shoulder Conference, on the 22-23 May, Tanya Bell will also be running her renowned Upper Quarter Course. For more information and to apply for the UQ Course CLICK HERE.

This course allows you to register online.

You will be able to register for this course between 1/12/2009 and 19/05/2010

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