ESSKA Wrightington Shoulder Arthroscopy Course

Location: Wrightington Hospital

Date: 9/11/2011 - 10/11/2011


European Society of Sports Knee & Arthroscopy (ESSKA) will be holding their popular Shoulder Arthroscopy Conference at Wrightington Hospital.
This unique course will include SIX Live Surgery cases and hands-on Workshops. Surgeons of all levels of experience can participate, as each two delegates will have a senior Mentor throughout the course, ensuring that they get personal supervision and guidance. Each delegate will also complete an 'Experience and Learning Objectives' survey before the course, along with a Pre-course DVD. The programme can then be tailored to your particular needs.
This course will be followed by a day on Tips & Tricks on Shoulder Arthroplasty (11th November).

For more information go to the 'current courses' on or CLICK HERE or to register your interest please contact Mavis Luya

This course does not allow you to register online.

You will be able to register for this course between 10/02/2011 and 8/11/2011

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