Atraumatic Nerve Disorders of the Shoulder

Location: Bridgewater Hospital, Manchester, UK

Date: 11/10/2013 - 11/10/2013


This is the first of the MAC Guest Lecture Evenings Guest Lectures for this event: CY Ng, Upper Limb Surgeon, Wrightington Hospital - CY has a special interest and expertise in the latest advances in peripheral nerve disorders and surgical management of these. He will talk on the Operative Management of Atraumatic Nerve Disorders of the Shoulder David Gow, Neurologist, Hope Hospital - David is a senior Neurologist in Manchester who has reseach and clinical expertise in peripheral nerve disorders. He has worked closely with us over many years treating complex cases. He will talk on the Diagnosis and Medical Management of Nerve Disorders of the Shoulder Claire Downs, Physiotherapist, The Nerve Injury Clinic - Claire has developed a large experience in the management of peripheral neuropathies. She also has worked with our team and assisted many therapists with complex neuropathy cases over the years. She will talk on the Non-Operative Management of Atraumatic Nerve Disorders of the Shoulder We look forward to seeing you there. Please note numbers are strictly limited.

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