Yorkshire Shoulder Course

Location: Oakwell centre,Dewsbury District Hospital

Date: 3/07/2008 - 3/07/2008


This is a clinical course (with patients) aimed at all orthopaedic trainees focusing on shoulder basics including examination, diagnosis, management and surgical tips. There will be three broad themes of painful shoulder, unstable shoulder and the stiff shoulder. The faculty is of high quality with a good trainee to faculty ratio. The faculty includes shoulder surgeons from Yorkshire including Sheffield/Chesterfield, Manchester and Reading (Mr Copeland). The day will be from 7.30am until 6.30pm with dinner between 7pm and 9pm. The cost of the day £60 per head. Places are limited to 30 and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Enquiries: Mr Venkateswaran’s Secretary, 01924 512065 Email: venkat.bala@midyorks.nhs.uk

This course does not allow you to register online.

You will be able to register for this course between 2/05/2008 and 2/05/2008

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