International Shoulder Arthroplasty Symposium

Location: Wrightington Hospital Conference Centre

Date: 13/11/2008 - 14/11/2008


A symposium to advance the understanding and practice of shoulder arthroplasty; particularly, indications, surgical techniques, complications and revision surgery.

Faculty to include: Mr Tim Bunker, Mr Christopher Constant, Mr Steve Copeland, Mr David Limb, Mr Cormac Kelly, UK, Dr Carl Basamania USA, Dr Anders Ekelund, Sweden,Dr Alex Castagna, Italy, Prof Dr Christian Gerber, Switzerland, Dr Pietro Randelli, Italy, Prof Ludwig Seebaur, Germany, Dr Michael Wirth, USA

This course allows you to register online.

You will be able to register for this course between 17/05/2008 and 13/11/2008

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