Shoulder Arthroscopy Diagnosis Training

Lennard Funk

Part of the training in shoulder arthroscopy is to recognise pathology. Below are a few videos to test your diagnostic skills.

How to use the training tool:

  1. Click here for a Pop-up window to assist you with the videos.
  2. Click the play  button to watch the video
    • NOTE: If the video screen says 'Temporary Unavailable', please refresh the page and then play the video again.
  3. Put your answers down on a piece of paper.
  4. Click the blue [Get answer!] button to check your answer.
  5. Move onto the next Case.

Click here for all the answers.

Case 1:

Q:Case 2:

Q:Case 3:

Q:Case 4:

Q:Case 5:

Q:Case 6:

Q:Case 7:

Q:Case 8:

Q:Case 9:

Q:Case 10:

Q:Case 11:

Q:Case 12:

That's all for now, folks! Here are the answers...

Case 1:
Bankart Tear
SLAP tear - Type 2
No Hill-Sachs lesion

Case 2:
Posterior Labral Tear (Reverse Bankart)

Case 3:
Rotator cuff tear - large
Degenerate tear of long head of biceps (<50%)
Degenerative osteochondral lesion of humeral head

Case 4:
All normal

Case 5:
Long head of biceps tear - > 50%
Rotator cuff tear (supraspinatus) - small

Case 6:
SLAP tear - Type 1 or 2 (needs probing to determine)
Posterior labral tear / degenerate posterior labrum

Case 7:
Sublabral foramen
Shallow, broad Hill-Sachs lesion
Small, deficient anterior labrum
       Consistent with atraumatic anterior instability

Case 8:
SLAP Type 3 tear

Case 9:
Large Hill-Sachs lesion
ALPSA lesion of anterior labrum, with probable glenoid bony deficiency
  Consistent with traumatic instability

Case 10:
Inferior HAGL lesion

Case 11:
Inflamed rotator interval
Long head of biceps tear - > 50%
Rotator cuff tear - large

Case 12:
Bony Bankart lesion - Undisplaced and partly healed
Grade 2 degenerative (arthritic) changes of humeral head.

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