Clavicle Classifications

1. Clavicle fractures: Allman Classification
2. Clavicle fractures: Neer’s Classification
3. Clavicle fractures: Craig Classification
4. Clavicle fractures: Robinson Classification
5. Distal Clavicle fractures: Neer’s Classification
6. Sternoclavicular Joint injury: Allman classification

Clavicle fractures: Allman Classification
Allman F L, JBJS (A) 49:774-784, 1967

Group 1: fracture of middle 1/3, most common
Group 2: fracture distal to C-C ligament, non-union common
Group 3: fractures of proximal end clavicle


Clavicle fractures: Neer’s Classification
In: Shoulder Reconstruction, edited by Neer II, CS, 363-420, W B Saunders Co, 1990

Type 1: Middle third clavicle fracture (80%)
Type 2: Distal end clavicle fracture (15%)
Type 3: Medial 1/3 clavicle fracture (5%)


Clavicle fractures: Craig Classification
In: The Shoulder, 367-412, Edited by Rockwood and Matsen, W B Saunders and Co, 1990

Type 1: Middle 1/3 fractures

Type 2: Distal 1/3 fractures
a. Minimally displaced
b. Displaced fractures,
    Fracture medial to the C-C ligament
    1. Conoid and trapezoid intact
    2. Conoid torn, trapezoid intact
c. Fractures into articular surface
d. Fractures in children,
    intact C-C ligaments attached to periosteal sleeve,
    proximal fragment displaced
e. Comminuted fractures

Type 3: Proximal 1/3 fractures
    a.    Minimally displaced
    b.    Displaced
    c.     Intra-articular
    d.     Epiphyseal separation
    e.     Comminuted


Clavicle fractures: Robinson Classification
Robinson CM, JBJS (Br) 80:476-484, 1998

Type 1: Medial 1/5th clavicle fractures

a. Undisplaced
    a1. Extra-articular
    a2. Intra-articular
b.   Displaced
    b1. Extra-articular
    b2. Intra-articular

Type 2: Middle 3/5th clavicle fractures

a.   Cortical alignment fractures
    a1. Undisplaced
    a2. Angulated
b.   Displaced fractures
    b1. Simple, wedge comminution
    b2. Multifragmentary, segmental

Type 3: Lateral 1/5th clavicle fractures

a. Undisplaced
    a1. Extra-articular
    a2. Intra-articular
b.   Displaced
    b1. Extra-articular
    b2. Intra-articular


Distal Clavicle fractures: Neer’s Classification
Neer II, CS, CORR, 58: 43-50, 1968

Type 1:Stable, minimally displaced (3 times common)

Type 2:unstable, displaced, detachment of C-C ligaments from proximal fragment

Type 3:intraarticular (Stable)


Sternoclavicular Joint injury: Allman classification
Allman F L, JBJS (am) 49:774-784, 1967

Grade 1:     Sprain of S-C joint, ligaments intact

Grade 2:     Rupture of S-C ligaments, costo-clavicular ligaments intact

Grade 3:     Complete disruption of S-C joint
        S-C ligaments and costo-clavicular ligaments torn.
        displacement anterior or posterior

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