Shoulder Fracture Fixation

Fracture Fixation
Clavicle, Proximal Humerus, Humerus


Most cases involve plate and screw fixation through an open approach.

A sling is applied with a bodybelt. The sling must be worn for 6 weeks – 3 weeks under clothes wit the bodybelt, then 3 weeks outside of clothes with the bodybelt removed. They may return to light activities and driving 6 weeks post-op and contact sports 3 months post-op.



General Complications <5%:

  • Stiffness
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Failure of fixation
  • Non-union
  • Malunion
  • Complications related to the Interscalene Block


Specific Complications:

  1. Clavicle ORIF:
    1. Reduced sensation around wound – 10% (due to injury to the superficial supraclavicular nerves) [1]
    2. Plate may require removal - >50% [1]
  2. Proximal Humerus ORIF - 
    1. AVN of humeral head – not known, but higher for 3 or 4 part fractures and fracture-dislocations [2,3,4].
  3. Humeral Shaft Internal Fixation / Intramedullary Nail – click here [5


1 - /news/article.asp?article=411&section=254

2 - /news/article.asp?article=387&section=244

3 - /news/article.asp?article=132&section=244

4 - /news/article.asp?article=420&section=82
5 - /news/article.asp?article=421&section=82

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