Bony Bankart Lesion

Bony Bankart lesions occur when some of the glenoid bone is broken off with the anterior labrum. This leads to loss of the normal bumper (labrum) and also loss of bone, making the shoulder joint potentially more unstable than a Bankart tear alone.

We have found this lesion to be present in 26% of shoulder dislocations in rugby players, due to the severity of the trauma involved in contact sports - click here.
The lesion can sometimes be seen on normal x-rays, but a CT-Arthrogram or MR-Arthrogram are preferred.
If the bony Bankart is displaced or fails to heal recurrent dislocations are likely.
Early repair of a bony Bankart (within 3 months) is more likely to heal and be stable than late repairs. These repairs can be done arthroscopically.

Bony Bankart on MR Arthrogram (left) and CT scan (right):
Bony Bankart on MR Arthrogram (left) and CT scan (right)

Bony Bankart on MR Arthrogram (left) and Arthroscopy (right):

Bony Bankart on MR Arthrogram (left) and Arthroscopy (right)


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