Normal arthroscopic examination

The normal arthroscopic examination consists of both a glenohumeral arthroscopy and endo­scopy of the subacromial space. It is important to devise a consistent routine for shoulder arthroscopy so that the examination is always thorough. This routine examination starts with the tendon of the long head of biceps, moves above it to the cuff, below it and forwards to the anterior capsular structures, down along the anterior labrum into the infraglenoid recess. Finally, the examination goes up along the posterior labrum looking at the back of the humeral head, the bare area, the synovial reflection, the insertion of infraspinatus and the posterior gutter (Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1 A structured method of examining the joint starts with the long head of biceps (1), passes up to look at the cuff (2), then down to the anterior structures (3), down to the inferior recess (4), back up the posterior glenoid (5) and finally looking at the back of the humeral head, the bare area and infraspinatus insertion (6).


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