
Operative Shoulder Surgery is a well-illustrated atlas written by an experienced shoulder surgeon depicting in detail the indications and techniques the author prefers for virtually all procedures used in the United Kingdom and America today (1995). Mr. Copeland has been a shoulder specialist throughout his professional career. He is extremely experienced both in reconstructive surgery and arthroscopy. The reader constantly admires his style of writing. The accurate 'wording and conciseness of the text along with the clarity of the illustrations give complete understanding in minimum time.
The first nine chapters show the indications and details of operative treatment of the more frequent causes of shoulder pain. Frozen shoulder, impingement, cuff tears, and glenohumeral dislocations are included. This is followed by five chapters discussing with extraordinary clarity the technique and possible use of the arthroscope. Glenohumeral arthroplasty and fractures are then well discussed, followed by descriptions of the less frequent procedures in unusual depth.
Mr. Copeland is a highly organized teacher. With his Reading Shoulder Courses he has done more than anyone else to bring modern shoulder surgery to England. This new work reflects his experience and is a valuable addition for orthopaedic surgeons in practice as well as those in training.

Charles S. Neer, II, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery, Emeritus
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, New York
Founding President American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons


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